Energy Healing can be done in person or remotely. For those who want the full experience of also pairing a session with private sound healing, I offer in-home services that provide tremendous benefits at a greater convenience to you.
No hassle and added stress of traffic - driving in and out of traffic can increase daily stress levels which is not conducive for those who are already stressed.
Your room is energetically cleansed and will be transformed into a place of tranquility, serenity, and peace.
I set up your room with my equipment which comprises of my massage table replete with an ergonomic pillow and lumbar support, essential oils, sacred herbs/resins to burn, meditative music, and LED candles.
Better prolonged relaxation - An In-Home therapy session enables you to enjoy prolonged relaxation.
You can schedule an appointment before you retire to bed in the evening. Or, just relax at home to fully absorb all the positive and healing energies.
Addresses special needs - In-Home therapy sessions are an ideal way for those with special needs who are not able to commute to a therapy center such as the elderly who are too old to commute, pregnant or lactating mothers, and people with disabilities.